
German @ FHS: lots goin' on in April and May!

No rest for German students! From the awards reception for the National German Exam to the AP German Exam to the Soccer Bridge, FHS German students have been busy!


All students who scored in the 70th percentile or higher nationwide were invited to attend the awards ceremony, hosted by the American Association of Teachers of German at UC Berkeley, and of the 79 FHS students who took the exam this year, a full 48 FHS students were invited to this event! The German Consul General Rolf Schütte gave the opening address.

17 FHS students took the AP German exam this year on May 7, 2009. They got together for breakfast that morning to relax and enjoy the company of good friends.

On May 9, 2009, a tough team of German students competed in the annual Transatlantic Soccer Bridge, hosted by the Goethe Institute. Coached by Mike Regan, Derek Easley, Shannon Easley, Jessica Klahr, Jordan Sabhlok, and Autumn Whitney played with heart and soul and were a wonder to behold! Gut gemacht, Falken!!

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